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E-Commerce Icons Mega Pack 3 products (standard + Gold + Platinum )


Get Ecom Mega Pack all three products Standard + Gold + Platinum product (Also comes with PLR Rights) for reselling

Today Purchased By: Vinay kumar Raju sri Sweta tomar Kiran kumari ishan jaat Arjun vasta vinit ravi keshri mr gayan Mohit Kumar Yash Singh Brijesh Verma

Original price was: ₹1500.Current price is: ₹196.

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Do you want to visually enhance your eCommerce website?

Use Or Sell These Professionally Designed, High Quality, Powerful Collection of Ecommerce Icons To Make Your Website More Visually Appealing Starting Today!!

500 professional eCommerce icons with commercial license/PLR included.

  • Premium quality Icons.
  • Created by Professional Designer.
  • Fully scalable pixel perfect icons.
  • .png & .ai incleded
  • Commercial Lisence / PLR Included.
  • Purchase once use forever.
  • Resize according to your use.


Why icons are so important for eCommerce websites?

Users tend to look for the most appealing content when they first land on a website.

Grabbing users attention can be super easy using these icons. It can help out by giving directions to users eyes through the text also separate the content to make it easier to read.

This way your website will look more professional and organized. With the presence of icons, online shopping processes can become way easier as they can visually communicate with the users and describe more than just words.

E-Commerce Icons Mega Pack 3 products (standard + Gold + Platinum )

Original price was: ₹1500.Current price is: ₹196.

Get Ecom Mega Pack all three products Standard + Gold + Platinum product (Also comes with PLR Rights) for reselling

Out of stock

Today Purchased By: Vinay kumar Raju sri Sweta tomar Kiran kumari ishan jaat Arjun vasta vinit ravi keshri mr gayan Mohit Kumar Yash Singh Brijesh Verma ( Verified )

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