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XMind 2022 v22 Lifetime For Windows


Today Purchased By: Vinay kumar Raju sri Sweta tomar Kiran kumari ishan jaat Arjun vasta vinit ravi keshri mr gayan Mohit Kumar Yash Singh Brijesh Verma

Original price was: ₹3999.Current price is: ₹449.

ToolsPatch Benefits

100% Safe

24 x 7 Support

License Ready

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XMind is a powerful mind mapping application designed to help you visually organize your ideas, keep track of your brainstorming sessions, and improve your problem solving capabilities in order to increase your productivity level.The program enables you to generate master plans and ideas to inspire creativity, make your thoughts from disorder to order and increase your efficiency both in work and in life. The program provides a comprehensive solution for brainstorming, visual thinking and problem solving and enables you to export your mind-maps to the most common file formats. It is a full-featured tool that organizes your thoughts and ideas by creating a mind map. You can choose from various types of diagrams, like flow charts, brainstorming charts, personal management, reading journals, and others.


Features of XM!nd :

? Powerful mind mapping application designed to help you visually organize your ideas.

? Keeps track of your brainstorming sessions.

? Improves your problem solving capabilities in order to increase your productivity level.

? Enables you to generate master plans and ideas to inspire creativity.

? Makes your thoughts from disorder to order.

? Lets you choose from various types of diagrams, like flow charts, brainstorming charts, personal management, reading journals, and others.

? Helps you think more, think further.

? Empowers you to explore different creative pathways.

? Automatically store and synchronize mind maps online .

? Creates mindmaps using different structures such as Org-chart, Tree-chart, Logic-chart.

? Analyze the relation between different factors and develop strategies.

? Keeps your ideas and thoughts password protected.


System Requirements for XM!nd :

? Operating System: Win 7/8/8.1/10/11 (32-bit & 64-bit)

? RAM: 2 GB

? Hard Disk: 500 MB

? Processor: 800 MHz Processor or higher





Enjoy your software !

XMind 2022 v22 Lifetime For Windows

Original price was: ₹3999.Current price is: ₹449.

Today Purchased By: Vinay kumar Raju sri Sweta tomar Kiran kumari ishan jaat Arjun vasta vinit ravi keshri mr gayan Mohit Kumar Yash Singh Brijesh Verma ( Verified )

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