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Vidcom + upgrade


Today Purchased By: Vinay kumar Raju sri Sweta tomar Kiran kumari ishan jaat Arjun vasta vinit ravi keshri mr gayan Mohit Kumar Yash Singh Brijesh Verma

Original price was: ₹2000.Current price is: ₹299.

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ToolsPatch Benefits

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24 x 7 Support

License Ready

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VidCom is a brand new templates from desafa media created using only Powerpoint. Yes, 100% Powerpoint!

Vidcom was designed based on the results of our research and brainstorming related to the needs of the market. We found these tools allow us to easily create exceptional high-quality videos, using a tool that is newbie friendly and so easy anyone can do it.

Now we can help you and your customers! You don’t need to learn about video editing or video animation. Moreover, you don’t need to spend a lot of money to buy videos or hire people to CREATE a video.

  • A Grand Total of 479+ To Create High-Quality Video & Graphic for All Marketing Needs, such as video promotion, Social media video promotions, 6 GRID, Stories, Post, microblog, carousel, and more.
  • 20 Profitable 2021 Ecommerce Design Ideas!
  • Mix-n-Match, We have multipurpose templates to cover unlimited business niches!
  • No Additional Plugins Required, FULLY Edited in PowerPoint!
  • EXPORT to ANY formats you want. Save As/Export to JPG, PNG, PDF, GIF, MP4, and More Formats
  • Step by step tutorials to get started!

Vidcom + upgrade

Original price was: ₹2000.Current price is: ₹299.

Out of stock

Today Purchased By: Vinay kumar Raju sri Sweta tomar Kiran kumari ishan jaat Arjun vasta vinit ravi keshri mr gayan Mohit Kumar Yash Singh Brijesh Verma ( Verified )

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