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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2022 v24.0.0.301????LATEST MAR 2022✔ Windows 10/11✔ Full Version✔


Today Purchased By: Vinay kumar Raju sri Sweta tomar Kiran kumari ishan jaat Arjun vasta vinit ravi keshri mr gayan Mohit Kumar Yash Singh Brijesh Verma

Original price was: ₹5999.Current price is: ₹499.

ToolsPatch Benefits

100% Safe

24 x 7 Support

License Ready

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Cor*lDRAW Graphics Suite 2022


Note: This is a pre-activated software


???????? From wireframe to wow, Start your design journey on the right foot with Cor*lDRAW® Graphics Suite 2021: a complete suite of professional graphic design applications for vector illustration, layout, photo editing, and more..

Draw objects or illustrated scenes in perspective, faster and easier than ever. Choose from 1, 2, or 3-point perspective, draw or add an existing group of objects on a shared perspective plane, and move and edit objects freely without losing perspective.

Say goodbye to technology constraints and hello to a true cross-platform experience across Windows, Mac, web, iPad, and other mobile devices. With a new touch-optimized user experience, Cor* expands what’s possible on mobile and tablets, and a new iPad app makes it even easier to design on the go.

Features of Cor*lDRAW Graphics Suite 2022 :

* Symmetry drawing mode * Block Shadow tool

* Publish to WordPress * AfterShot 3 HDR

* Straighten photos interactively

* Adjust photo perspective interactively

* Apply envelopes to bitmaps

* LiveSketch tool

System Requirements and Technical Details :

✔Windows 11 or Windows 10 (version 21H1 or higher), 64-bit

✔Intel Core i3/5/7/9 or AMD Ryzen 3/5/7/9/Threadripper, EPYC

✔OpenCL 1.2-enabled video card with 3+ GB VRAM

✔8 GB RAM (16 GB or more recommended)

✔4.3 GB available hard disk space for application and installation files

✔Multi-touch screen, mouse or tablet

✔1280 x 720 screen resolution at 100% (96 dpi)




⭕ ???? NO VIRUS ✔



1. No refund for this order once we have send you the file and guide .

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2022 v24.0.0.301????LATEST MAR 2022✔ Windows 10/11✔ Full Version✔

Original price was: ₹5999.Current price is: ₹499.

Today Purchased By: Vinay kumar Raju sri Sweta tomar Kiran kumari ishan jaat Arjun vasta vinit ravi keshri mr gayan Mohit Kumar Yash Singh Brijesh Verma ( Verified )

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